Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What are the norms of Journalistic conduct?

In Journalism, the fundamental objective is to serve people with news, views, comments, and information on matters of public interest in a fair, accurate, unbiased, sober and decent manner. A a journalist should follow press law and media ethics while performing their duty.Newspaper or the Press is expected to conduct itself in keeping with certain norms of professionalism as mentioned below:

a) Accuracy and Fairness
Newspaper or the magazine shall eschew publication of inaccurate, baseless, graceless, misleading or distorted material. All sides of the core issue or subject should be reported. Unjustified rumors and surmises should not be set forth as facts.

b) Caution against defamatory writings

Newspapers should not publish anything which is manifestly defamatory or libellous against any individual organisation unless after due care and checking, they have sufficient  reason to believe that is true and its publication will be for public good.

c) Pre-publication Verification

On receipt of a report or article of public interest and benefit containing imputations or comments against a citizen, the editor should check with due care and attention its factual accuracy- apart from other sources with the person or the organisation concerned to elicit his/her or its version, comments or reaction and publish the same with due amendments in the report where necessary.

d) Right to Privacy

Press shall not intrude or invade the privacy of an individual unless outweighed by genuine overriding public interest.

e) Recording interviews and phone conversation should not be done without prior consent  of acknowledgement.

f) Right of Reply

g) Corrections

h) Obscenity and vulgarity to be eschewed

i) Violence not to be glorified

j) Covering of communal disputes or clashes shall be published after proper verification of facts and presented with due caution and restrain in a manner which is conducive to the creation of an atmosphere of congenial to communal harmony, amity and peace.

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